
love and other drugs

my favorite words from the movie:
i used to worry a lot about who i'll be when i grow up or how much money i'll make or someday i'll become some big deal. Sometimes, the thing you most wanted doesn't happen and sometimes the thing you never expect happen does, like giving up my job in Chicago and everything and deciding to stay and apply to med school. I don't know.

You meet thousands of people and none of them really touched you and then you meet one person and you're life is changed... forever.

--Jamie, Love and Other Drugs

obviously, it's a love story. it's about a man doesn't care about anything at all but his dreams and then he met a not-so-ordinary girl whom eventually he fell for. .the flick is nice though it's seems to be typical and is not for the kids to watch, it's kinda sensual. :-p

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