
the art of demotivation

what happens when the person who should be giving you the motivation in completing a task becomes the primary factor why your enthusiasm in finishing the job significantly decreases? will the person who demotivates you can still change and help you bring back your drive?

this was the question raised during the week of developing you when the topic motivation is being tackled.

i guess, that person can still change but he won't be able to motivate me again. yes, he can change and start all over again and inspire others but not me. it's because i already lost my confidence that he can help me. 

anyway, this training i took entitled "the art of demotivation" also reminded me of the person who influenced or would rather say, motivated me when i was just a newbie in the corporate world.

this guy right here was my career reviewer back then. i was inspired by how he does stuffs at work and he has this awesome memory that he can still remember what 'work issue' happened even years back and how it was resolved. at the beginning, i was so scared of him because he seems to be an angry tiger but his cool personality changed that first impression. hahaha. and i'll never forget what he told me when i was off-tracked on a task - that is, to continue doing what i have to do and never be afraid to ask question just for the purpose of excelling.  (back reading my blog today, i realized that he had been already a topic on one of my posts - conversation on mentors)

how about you? who motivates/demotivates you? :)

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