here are some snapshots of the event; drum roll please... heheheheh
oh so gorgeous indeed. ehhehe. while waiting for the main event, picture taking muna :)
here are the sponsors.. my mom was one of them... tita's smile seems a bit naughty, huh. eheheh
of course, the wedding won't be a wedding without the groom and the bride. it was evident on ate karen and kuya jet's eyes the happiness they're experiencing:
here i was, with my gorgeous cousins having a good time before we leave for the reception:
tin was the maid of honor and she had a mini bouquet, so for a wacky shot sake, she threw the flower and kristhel, belle and i pretended to catch it! hahah just funny that neither of us really joined this real game during the program at the reception. were we afraid to be the next bride? wahahahha.
a photo booth was also set-up in the reception. we were all hooked up with it and my little cousins and biggie danjo almost never left the booth as they were trying to collect the print outs for an instant photo album. hahahahahha!
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